Portfolio Tag: alias

Commercial Print – Layout

City of Calgary Program Guides - Several guides created for City of Calgary including, Nature in the City, Outdoor Pursuits, Open Space, Bird Santuary, Devonian Gardens and others. These were created from 1999 to 2004. TAGHeuer Magazine - A booklet type magazine showcasing corporate delivered cover designs from head office buy including localized product inside.…
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Calgary Flames

Calgary Herald driven C of RED RETURNS Elvision Design Studio was asked to come up with a Salute to the Calgary Flames Cup Run since their Stanley Cup Finals run in 2004. It was an exciting time in our city and a join to work on anything Calgary Flames related. The creative was well received…
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Retail Advertising

Kramer Mazda - Get in Gear - This was a very successful design campaign that was created and implemented for many years. This "Get in Gear" piece was a joy to create and was well received and delivered record revenues for this client. Goodwrench Service GM - This long standing campaign was created while as an art director with MaClaren McCANN…
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Package Design

Elvision creates a balance between eye-catching innovative design and biodegradable packaging. Curating the very best in package design has been a part of Elvision Design Studio Inc since the companies inception. What constitutes great package design? The conception and then production or different materials to create exciting possibilities presented to the consumer as to what is being displayed in…
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